Sunday, September 5, 2010

Be True to Your Teeth and They Won't Be False to You

Yeah, that's some hokey line my dad said once. I absolutely HATE going to the dentist. I've hated it since I was a kid. I had the worst dentist ever growing up, so I was determined to make going to the dentist fun for Amelia. I have to admit that I was nervous. I could feel my heart racing the whole time. She did awesome though! There was a tv on the ceiling and one in the corner. Everything else was just an added bonus. She got a great report, and her dentist already broke the news to me that she has a tiny mouth with crowded baby teeth. This means she will have crowded big girl teeth too and will be the lucky recipient of braces at some point. Yay us!

1 Talk to Me:


Must be a Thompson thing...I didn't have braces!! Ha!! My kids will get them too!! Ugh!! I also love first-time dentist pics!

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