Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Guess Whoooo Turned One (The Proof is in the Party)

Now that she's almost 13 months, I decided to finally post pics of Ella's first birthday party. She had a hoot (pun intended) at her owl themed party. Nancy made her entire outfit to go along with all of the owls. She looked super cute but at the same time those chubby legs in a tutu seemed funny to me. We had all of her favorites--pizza, cake, and lots of people to keep her entertained. So, everyone talks about the terrible 2s, which really means 3s, but no one told me about the terrible 1s. This girl can throw a tantrum in .3 seconds like nobody's business. Like throw-yourself-on-the-ftile-floor-and bang-your-head kind of tantrums. Oooh, and lets not forget the scoot-your-whole-body-across-the-carpet ones too. Good times. Can't wait to see what the next few months bring.

1 Talk to Me:


You know I am not a fan of owls but that outfit and cake are just adorable.

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