Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving...

And I am truly feeling blessed. A friend pointed out this evening how amazing it is that our family lives in Dallas with immediate access to all of the great doctors we have recently encountered due to Amelia's condition. I was quick to point out that although I wouldn't have chosen my life to be this way, I truly feel like God definitely put us in this spot. So many families in similar situations have to travel many miles to receive medical care.

So as I reflect on the past 11 weeks, I am so, so thankful for my precious daughter, my husband, my supportive family, and our friends. Amelia is doing amazing. She is healing well and is beginning to move her thumb. And although the scars are still there to remind me of the journey she began just a short time ago, she is a normal, healthy 19 month old.

I can finally say,"Who cares."

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